Selamat Hari Raya uols...!!!! Dah lebih kurang 2 weeks kita beraya. Hows your raya? Hope it was better than mine. Mine tak berapa best coz my kids were down with fever and that include muself as well. This year raya we went back to hubby's kampung. We went back a good 5 days before raya. Sian kat hubby coz last year dia tak berpuasa kat kg dia, and since this year I banyak cuti yg nak dihabiskan, so decided that baliklah kg dia awal. I took 2 weeks leave, with the intention of a week in his kg and another week beraya kat my so called kg. Cuaca in Terengganu berubah-ubah. One day sejuk, the other sangat panas. I was extremely tired with the changing weather and also my youngest yang so so cranky. tetibalah pulak tak nak kat orang. Asyik jerit and nangis je. Nasib baiklah the sister was so independent. Dia berkawan and main without disturbing us too much. I was excited nak celebrate raya. Even brought with me like 5 pasang baju raya coz every year beraya pagi petang and i do not want to wear baju yg peluh to raya in the evening kan. Tapi hem semuanya tak terpakai. on the eve of raya, my son started to have fever. He was so hot. I had to care for him during night coz takut his fever panas sangat. Tido tak cukup. Pagi raya he was very cranky, and still burning. Nak ambik gambar pun tak da mood coz he was soooo cranky. So after salam salaman, we decided to take him to the doctor. Sebelum ni dah pi but the doc just gave paracetamol. I think he needs antibiotic. So carilah klinik and langsung takda yang bukak okeh. Isk geram betul, the baby was crying and not a single clinic was open. At last we decided to go to the specialist hospital. Since it was the only one opened. Sampai ramai orang okey...semua berbaju raya. So we got to see the doc and luckily he was a good one. But got to pay like RM150. Baby was getting better after taking the ubat. I was happy. Sampai malam dia ok. So esok bolehlah beraya. So came the 2nd day raya. Baby was healthy, kakak ceria. Went to hubby's sis house. Then went to his aunt's house. Bila nak balik tu kakak started to get cranky. pegang2 mak oii panasnyer. Hem terbantut nak beraya. Balik terus. So petang nasib my eldest ok so dapatla pi beraya. But malam dia demam balik. Esok tu dah nak balik. We decided to rest kat Awana Kijal since kakak was so excited to play by the beach. She was getting better but malam panas jugak. 3rd day raya, kakak was ok but i pulak yg rasa sangat tak sedap badan. Demam...hem...lepas sorang2. Masa tu fikir nak balik KL sangat2 tapi parents went back to Kedah. Got to wait for another day before balik kl. Nasib bailah on the way back to KL semua dah sihat. And I was super excited nak beraya ngan my parents pulak and to eat ketupat rendang...yummy...but raya was just like year hope will be better and gonna be my turn pulak beraya. All smiles...
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Beef wrap
Waaa mana tah gambar lagi satu beef wrap nih...Beef wrap was the starter and I would say it was so amazingly delicious...ada rasa cheesy cheesy skit...darn...the pic was all deleted....well tulah...
Hubby was craving....

Beef it Up! Voila! Hubby was craving meat. Really really craving. Lagi teruk dari orang mengandung. Since last weekend he has been pestering me to go to this place 'Las Vacas'. This kedai ada steak and dia kata sedap bangat. He has been looking at i dunno what yg made him craved like that. So we decided since we haven't went out berdua for berbuka, nak pi sanalah for lating lating. I think I remembered this place from Jalan2 Cari Makan. He picked me up from work early. We reached Mont Kiara quite early. Having perform Asar prayer, hubby and I went straight to the Restaurant. We have made reservation...sampai the Restaurant was practically empty. cam segan nak masuklah kan even though dah 630. Tapi I told hubby we better go in because they may need time to cook our food. This Las Vacas served mainly meat product..they have sirloin steak, rib eye...beef burger, hot dogs...and even frozen meats. So we ordered rib eye steak, well done for hubby, beef burger for me, beef wrap for starter and mushroom soup. Ice peach tea and apple peach juice for drinks. The food was served 5 minutes before berbuka and the restaurant started to fill up by then although not full house. The waitress can speak Malay, Japanese and English. I don't think she's Malaysian. I think she is Japanese. I think most of the workers are Japanese. Except the owner. They cater for Japanese customer quite a lot as the menu board was in Japanese as well. oh they don't have desserts..huhu..but Baskin Robin kat sebelah jek. So oklah. Btw the price of the meat was based on the grams. Similar to my burger. A 150grams beef burger would cost u RM17. Overall I would say that people who loves meat this is the place for you. But for those yg macam saya yg suka variety kind of food tak sesuailah tempat ni. But hubby was totally satisfied. Licin semua dia makan...
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka! Selamat hari Merdeka yang ke 53 Malaysia! So yesterday was Malaysia's 53th Independence Day. Being an over joy citizen, the hubby decided to take the lil one to celebrate the Merdeka day at Stadium Bukit Jalil. The husband said since its gonna be held at the stdium, ada aircond, and tertutp, we should take the lil one to witness herself the Merdeka celebration. She was very excited at the thought of waving the Jalur Gemilang and watching the parade as we told her. So off we're to the stadium around 730. The event would be starting at 730 am! Hubby kata there wont be a lot of people so lambat pun takpa. Bila sampai we had to park cam jauh jugaklah....yeah right kan takde org. pastu sampai stadium we to like 100th time circle the whole of the stadium sebab nak cari tempat duduk. It was packed okey...but not with us public tapi the participants and yg kena paksa pegi tu. hangin tul...mana public nak duduk kan. But at last we managed to squeeze ourselves dengan the defence atache...hehehe macam tau tau pulak aku ni anak bekas askar. SO the lil one got to enjoy the show. Oklah but I think the meaning of Merdeka tu tak sampailah. More kepada hiburan jugak. I think lepas ni the organizer should buat something yang bole diinstillkan dalam pemikiran remaja2...bukan hanya untuk berhibur. We have to know our history before condemning today and change the future. Terlebey sudah kan...
So bawah are the pics taken...ada lights show...entahla apa significant dengan hari kemerdekaan tah...

Gathering MRSM TDK
Hari Sabtu pulak berbuka puasa ngan the MRSM mates. We had our berbuka kat Aidil's restoren. Restoren Sambal Hijau@Sg. Penchala. 15 hinggit je sorang and kids below 7 can eat for free. Makan berhidang and taklah berebut ambik buffet unlike last year. Lauk pauk best giler...ada ayam goreng rempah, daging salai masak lemak, ikan patin masak tempoyak, ulam-ulaman, tempe dan ikan bilis sambal, sayur2, dessert ada coconut jelly, jelly 3 colour, dan bubur kacang. Excellant...semua yg kampung2 nyer menu....ramai jugak yg datang but the girls' turnout sikit je. But tak kisah sangat coz memang dari dulu baik ngan my batch tak kisahlah lelaki ke perempuan. And yg best tak perlu risau pasal hubby coz he knew half of my friends there...kenal masa belajar jugak. So oklah. We had a great time cuma tak puas nak borak. Hubby nak balik awal nak tgk Arsenal. Yang penting enjoy betut. Next year same place again ye Aidil.
Berbuka Puasa Lagi
Last Friday, I had berbuka puasa@juit's place with nomy, and kak pah. Potlucklah kiranya. Nomyla kaplanya. At first i tot i couldnt make it sebab kerjakan and to travel to ampang on Friday evening mcm nak bunuh dirilah kan. But fortunately hubby was on leave due to Nuzul Quran, so he managed to pick me up from the office at 4.30. We reached Ampang around 530 and that left us ample time to be at the gathering. It was a small gathering tapi best because we dont have to worry about our partners well-being. Ni semua kawan2. Me and the gals of course friends sebab we were classmates. While hubby memanglah pun kawan dengan their hubbies, kenal masa belajar gak...ya ya...kami semua kawen ngan university while the men were talking bout thier interest, kami the ladies gossiping sambil makan ketam yg dimasak oleh juit. Bestnya....Well juit as the host prepared nasi (0f course), air, chily crab (sedapnyaaaaaa!!!!), daging black pepper, japannese tofu and air. Nomy pulak bawak goreng chempedak (my fav), and sambal petai udang. Kak Pah bawak shepard's pie and tiramisu cake which she did it all by herself. She is one great cook. Nanti jangan lupa kak pah janji nak masakkan salted egg crab kay. And as for me , bawak big apple dan kepak ayam jelah.
Masih teringat2 lagi ketam tu. Nomy siap tolong kopekkan bahagian claws for me...yelah never in my life I was that rajin to kopek kat bahagian claws dia but since nomy tolong, barula dapat makan and sedap sebab isi tang tu banyak. Marvelous...geng lain kali kita buat lagi enjoylah the food.
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