Friday, July 18, 2008


This post was written 2 weeks ago. However tak sempat nak postkan kat sini. So before i start updating on my life..bacalah dulu kisah yang lepas-lepas.

Sungguh penat betul minggu ni. I've missed lunch 3 days in a row and talk about how sleepy and tiring week for me...I was on duty this week so memanglah sibuk skit sampai today pun nak siapkan keje baru dah tak terdaya. I wish for an uninterrupted sleep. Sebab nilah tak nyempat2 nak update blog. Anyway I will just post some photos on the events that have taken place few weeks ago that I haven't had the time to post the entries here. Photos can tell u a thousand stories...

The picture above was taken when me and Mrs Redspec had to do an 'outside job'. Masa nikan sangatlah tension. Tak sessuaiiii...

Ni dekat Restoren Tupai-Tupai. Me and hubby duduk makan kat one of the hut. The surrounding was peaceful and the food was good. But tak sempat nak ambik makanan coz the lil one was so cranky.

Ni lunch ngan Mrs Mothercare. We shared. Malas nak makan banyak-banyak. Buat MsBandung..sebenarnya boleh share dan agak kenyang gak. Oh..akhirnya dapat gak makan Coast Mud Pie tuh.

Above was the lunch that I had with my staff in KL tu. Supposed to have the kampung baru nasi but unfortunately tak sempat nak beli. Cafe food will do. Sedap gak. Maklumlah dapat makan-makan ngan kawan-kawan lama.

ABC yang sedap. Masa lunch ngan MrsMothercare dan MrsVios kat Penang Village. Walla...

Char Kuew Teow...yummy..kat Penang Village jugak. especially bila makan dengan cili padi. Fuh meletopp...

Merenung ke atas di saat boring menantikan.....dan mendengar bebelan orang-orang bijak pandai.

Waffle Banana split. Di share again ngan MrsJohoe. Sedap bangat....
Itula kehidupan ku few weeks ago. Hari ni ada majlis perpisahan rakan di sini. So I'll update on those later..yang penting
Lagi satu..I was so not satisfied with the ending of Sinderella. Kan ke best kalau dia ngan Tg Haidar yang sangat hensem dan macho tu. Ni macam Tg Haiar tu dah tak cinta plak. I mean how can he still love Rania who has once cheated him. so not learn the lesson. Duhhh..
Lagi-lagi satu..I have bought myself a birthday present. Syok..Hikshiks...hint hint...bila?...a day after the chinese fav number in August.


syida said...

bestnye choc mud pie.... huhuhu..bila la aku nak pi makan mud pie..... jeles....tapi bila mengenangkan calories...hmmm....

Ieza Salim said...

Ko sibuk sgt ye nurul mesti penatkan hmpir tiap2 hari aku buka blog ko tp x de cite br a'way aku phm keja kat poj mmg penat gilos hubby aku dulu kat sana smpai kurush ape2 hal pun jg kesihtn take k k

Anonymous said...

sgt tak sesuai mrs.johoe.........huhuuhu