Monday, November 17, 2008

Jerry Yan aka Dong Fang Xiang

Once upon a time...cehh..sebenarnya (sowwy dear hubby) I really really really like Jerry Yan. I started to notice him in the industry masa Meteor Garden. Dulu masa belum kawen kan my dream man adalah yang brutal..ala-ala ganas gitu but hati baik tapi yang gangster ala-ala orang takut. Fofular..yep mestilah. Pastu one day while I was playing with the remote control kan tengah nak cari cerita best, suddenly I came accross the taiwan drama..Meteor Garden. Jerry Yan as Dao Ming Shi played a role yang budak paling popular, ganas dan so so bila tengok kan si DMS ni terus I called my good friend, told her we found the guy..(ya we did have the same taste...arwah Am). Sejak dari tu I have been following the Meteor Garden tu and even bought all the episodes..hubby pun tau saya gilekan tak jadi masalahlah. He even bought me the whole episodes of MG II but takde subtitlelah plak. Hampeh tul. Kena la plak beli lagi satu...sabar jelah.
Anyway I've heard about the new series ni Hot Shot from long time ago. Really looking forward nak ikut...but lepas tu terlupa. So last weekend dok sedap-sedap baca majalah Media tetiba ter came across the article about Hot Shot ni. Unfortunately it is now aired kat 8tv but it is coming to an end already. Haiyaa I miss the early, middle part of it. So sad. Last weekend dah dapat tengok. Isk isk sungguh best tengok Jerry so cool....apalagi since kat umah Fama, fama punya tv LCD and gambar baik sangat terus pi depan tv dan snaplah gambar Jerry Yan...hensemnya mamat ni. Available lagi tuh..but I am not..sigh....huhuhu....
Oklah nilah beberapa keping yang ambik. Mission sekarang adalah untuk mencari dvd whole episodes of the Hot Shot....kengkawan kalau ada terjumpa pls do tell me and check the price too ya....pls.....u know how much I adore him...caiyo!

Ni masa dia tengah sedih coz orang yang dia suka just told him she is in love with his best friend (which is so not true...she loves him)

Ni masa tengah lawan with about 20 people..habis semua kalah..giler power

Ni masa tengah frust

Nilah klip yang menyedarkan saya about this programme at 8tv..Saturday 6.30 til 8pm..daughter pun heran bila I tengok cerita ni...

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