Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Ramadhan datang lagi

Adoi lamanya tak menjengah masuk ke blog ni. Its been nearly a year. Been busy, not so busy and k pop fever lead to my non existence in the blod writing arena. Wah ayat gitew. Anyway di kesempatan ini i just would like to wish the readers of this blog (kalau masih adalah kan) selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa dan semoga Ramadhan kali ni akan lebih bermakna buat kita.

Ok now kembali kepada kisah hidupku. Well this past year has been quite busy for me. I have continued my master degree in UKM. Seronok sangat belajar balik ni. This sem i took 3 subjects which means 3 classes per week . The subjects taken were medical law, labour law and international law of the sea. I found all these three subjects were very fascinating. But the learning process was tough. Lama dah tak belajar so to start doing assignments, were extremely hard at the beginning. Never had i referred to articles before which i got to do now. Lots and loads of reading were required. Sleepless nights.....who said Master was easy???? And alhamdulillah got straight As for all three subjects...heheheheh....bangga lah sbb masa degree dulu cam bengap kan. So terkejut but happy. Rasalah diri ni adala skit berguna. Hehehehe.....

So now I am doing nothing. Why sebab cuti sem yg panjang. 4 bulan ma. So the first month went to Korea for holiday. Iya ba hehehehe dapat gak menjejakkan kaki ke Korea my dream country. Biasalah terpengaruh ngan K pop. Seronok sangat. Rasakan macam xnak balik je. The country was very clean. The people were extremely nice. The public transports were excellant. Pendek kata semuanya bestlah. Entahlah maybe i am too being influenced by the K pop sampai membuatkan i love Korea too much. Rasa macam a week kat sana tak cukup and yg best nya every dramas that i watch now i can relate to places that i visited. And masa cuti ni tulah kerja i tengok citer korea korea dan korea. Best. Dah tak interested nak tgk cerita omputih or lain2. 24/7 citer korea. Terukkan.

And pastu pi Surabaya for presentation. Wakil UKM and Malaysia untuk presentation paper on Terrorism. My paper entittled Maritime Violence:Its Implications to Malaysia. Presentation was being held in Universitas Brawijaya, Malang Indonesia. It was a good experience for me and brought my soul mate along. He was my body guard, reference, best friend and everything. Lucky to have him by my side. Thank you love......chewah terlebih sudah. Seriously I ni penakut and wouldnt have made it without him. Malang was a nice small town. The weather was cold and very nyaman and very stylish town i might say. Tak sangkalah town kecik tu hebat. But I was made to know that Malang is the education hub for Indonesia. banyak sungguh universiti kat situ. And seronok gak ada experience pi sana.

Hem that summaries my life up til now. Nothing interesting. I will write again soon if God willing coz need to watch City Hunter that is about to start NOW!!!!! Chiow!

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