Last weekend went to Melaka with my family. It was a day trip. We didn't spend a night coz hubby got tournament on the next day. So bertolak dalam pukul 10 am. Reached Melaka before 12. First stop was Masjid yang tertua di Melaka i.e. Masjid Kampung Ulu. Niat di hati nak ambik air kat sana but tak bawak plak bekas air. It was unplanned sebenarnya. Tetiba suggestion that nak singgah masjid tu. Masjid2 kat Melaka kan kebanyakannya bentuk bumbung macam pagoda. Sangat unik.
Lepas tu dah lunch so nak singgah makan aternya. Pilah kat Klebang. Terkezut bila sampai sana coz the government has reclaimed the sea. Hemmm..pantainyer udahla takder maknernya makanan pun udahnya takderlah. So drive straight, terjumpalah Shah Beach Resort.....dia simple je resort tu but I think sangat best coz the ambience, the small and compactness of the resort made it so cosy. It was an old resort. But the room has been upgraded and so solah cosy dan best. I fell in love with that place. Kalau nak tido Melaka absolutely nak pi sana. The owner pun sangat peramah.
Shah Beach Resort
We had our lunch there. Food so solah. Then we headed to Bandar Hilir. I wanted to take the lil on on the trishaw. Tapi takmau naik AFAmosa tuh. Buat hape nak nengok church..buang karen jek. Anyway the journey to Banda Hilir took a long time coz sangatlah traffic jem. Kat Melaka tu sangat jemlah. Sampai terus je hubby dropped us off kat the trishaw while he had to wait in the car coz no parking. Me, th lil one and maid got on the trishaw which costs us RM10 for satu pusingan. Half way he made a stop supaya we all can take nilah gambar anakanda terchinta.
So decorative...
Walaupun tak duk lama tapi sangat puas hati. We drove back to KL after that and reached KL by 7. It was one tiring day but I really enjoyed the trip very much as I have made my love ones very happy. That, make me even happier....
sis..awat tak call mau dtg melaka...we all xdak pi mana pun arituh..sah2 boleh bwk tmpt makan best..
Syok jugak ye pi melaka. Maybe one day i'll go there for a holiday too...kalau laratlah :(
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