Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Its been tooo long

Yap too long....about a month plus I have not been updating my post here. I keep on not knowing what to write. Bukannya tak da banyak aktiviti but its just me...with no idea. So today after mush persuasion and determination, I am going to start writing again. Well its not that I have not been making any effort to jot anything here, I did! In fact few times I did try to post the HK pics but unfortunately this ^&%$@#@* blog was not in agreeable with my efforts. So in frustration I left the blog unattended. And...being a forgiven person, hehehe....dramalah plak kan...
Wats been happening in my life? Nothing that interesting. Oh....in 4 months time there will be an additional person in my family. Insyallah. I hope everything goes well. So far things are doing ok. Cuma malam je I feel tired and restless. Daughter is very understanding about this. She kept on asking me to be careful all the time. Like yesterday, I went to the kitchen to get her cough syrup, she waited for me on the stairs. She did not dare to come down as she said that it was dark and scary and got hantu. So I went to the kitchen alone...and suddenly I heard her little voice calling me out.."Mama be careful!"...so sweet. Hubby being his usual self was so engrossed in his sudoku. Men.....
Wat else? Work wise...ok I guess. Recently there has been some misunderstanding but things are starting to clear up. Hem...lesson to note....never to put anything online....eventhough it might not be anything...remember that....
Activities? Not been anywhere...sebab...of my condition ni. Teringin nak pi bercuti but thinking of the H1N1 thingy ni, got me all goose bump. I am not thinking bout myself but the lil one. So my dream holiday would only be lying down on my not so comfy bed (I am always like this when I am in this condition-last time we bought new mattress just to suit my needs but after delivering, the old one was very much used...rugi)...watching my favourite movies and sleep. But right now yap..I do get to lie down on the bed but on the movie part...613 would be the 'in' thing now. Huh nak muntah...oh that part...still do....
Ha last week went to Paya Indah Wetland. The lil one wanted to see the hippo and flamingo. The place was nice. Like the lil one said 'oh so beautiful'..true..masuk free....the surrounding sangatlah cantik. Ada gak chalet (betul ke eja?) And cantek sangat. Tapi tempat tu tak ramai orang yang datang. Masa kitaorang pegi adalah few cars. Yang couples banyak..tah apa nak buat tah...hahaha ada one car tu stop in the middle of nowhere making out...duh...get a room...actually tempat tu bukannya park yang banyak sangat pokok. So making out in the middle of the road? Hem...mesti dah tak sabar tuh hahahaa...memalukan betul. Anyway, hippo ada flamingo pun ada. Daughter pun sangat happy. Mama dia pun happy. Oh and the toilet was squeaky clean. Yap pi merasmikan...hehehee...
Oklah thats alllah for today. From now on I am going to be one active writer.. I am back!!!!

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