Hahaha..jangan mare..again entry on food. Adalah kengkawan yang baca my blog ni cakap asyik-asyik cakap pasal food je. Well i think it is an interesting topic and it sure do help those yang tercari-cari the best place to eat and the best food they can savour. In a way it gives u the idea of what and where to eat kan. Kalau tak suka jangan baca...hehehe....Ok so last week I went to my old office for some unfinished business. Fortunately Syida pun ada matter kat sana. So we decided to go and have lunch after our 'unfinished business' dah habis. Sepatutnya Syahrin was supposed to join us but her 'unfinished business' was postponed to another day. Rugi tau Syahrin. So Syida suggested that we tried Tony Roma's at The Curve. She said the lunch set was fabulous and the price was so reasonable. I ok sajak. After having to pujuk Syida ....she finally agreed to go in one car in which she had to drive me back to where I parked my car..later. Huhu maceh..u are the best! Lain kali berbaktilah lagi pada aku kay...hihihi.
Sampai around 1. Just the right time to have our lunch. The place was not packed. Good. I hate packed restaurants. Sometimes we couldn't hear ourselves. So the lunch set was good. I had Roma's burget set which consists of bread, soup, crackers and refillable coke. Tapi rasanya takyah nak refill air tu coz the glass was huge. Syida had pasta set. Sama je set tu. One meal was only around RM19-25. After that we decided to treat ourselves to a delicious ice cream with cake...Avalanche..something something..
My burger..yummy tapi tak habis..only manage to eat the burger but not the bread.besar nak bukak mulut tak dapat
Pasta yang besar
Our dessert:
Me : Alah setakat macam ni aku pun boleh buat. Letak je aiskrim lepas tu potong kek.
Syida : Haahla...aku rasa kau pun boleh buat. Aku masak kek lagi sedap.
Me : Meh aku rasa...fuyoo leh tahan jugak..I likeeee
Syida : Haah sedap gak tapi taklah best macam mud pie
But at the end of the day...
Citt...tak sedap pun licin beb...heheheh
hmm...bila duduk kat shah alam..takde geng nak makan... teringat kat pasta yang makan tak habis... rugi ka..
anyway.. esok aku nak pi makan....food testing....jangan jeless:P
Tulah rugi tul bila ingat-ingat balik kat pasta kau tuh. Amacam gambar cuntak? Aku tak jels setakat makan nasi food testing tapi aku jeles kalau kau makan japanese. jom Syida kita makan makanan jepung plak..
Wah mcm seronok je korang ye JJCM sokmo anyway slalu gak berkunjg kat tmpt ko ni cume agk x smpt nk leave any comment mcm bz tp bila dah busan melnda diri melilau kat internet je sbb x smpt nk JJCM mcm korang jeless..oklah take k k kem slm kat syida n syahrin
jom la turun shah alam...hehehhehetak pun..kite jumpa kat sunway..tgh2... bleh cari japanese food..yummy
Syida, Syharin Fizah Sabah kimsalam...meh ah turun KL Fizah boleh bawak pi jalan..anyway congrats to Zaini...
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