Last Wednesday attended farewell lunch for our beloved Pn Hapipah at Halia Restoren situated in Sime Darby Convention Centre. Tak jauh dari office around 10mins drive. But kalau dengan my driving ability it took us about 15-20 mins nak sampai. I am a very careful driver...hehehe...biar lambat asal selamat. Actually this was our second time there. Bukannya sedap sangat but consider cheap and near the office. Anyway its not our choice pun..say no more...But seriously the shall i put it....average kot or below skit (i tried to describe it in a very nice way ok).
This was what I had for the main dish. Basically I took everything yang they served on the table. Nasi with deep fried calamari, Vietnamese beef sautee and lamb curry, deep fried prawn, mix vegie, and steamed chicken breast with ginger and onion. Yang paling sedap was deep fried calamari. But the rest taklah berapa. I mean its like this...sekali je u will eat. You takkan ulang-ulang lagi dah. And i think it was a bit dry. Takada kuah pun or sos. So u won't be able to enjoy much.
This was the appetizer. Popiah, kerabu, corn and a bit of sambal belacan plus salad dressing. The popiah was quite nice. But I know the combination memang tak kena. What else to take. Tu yang combination macam tu.
Ini macam bubur cha cha but u'll be surprised that it was actually Vietnamese agar-agar. Hem..too sweat. The taste was not even near bubur cha cha. Tu agar-agar. The combination tak kena langsung. I only had 2 spoon.
Last but not least the assorted fresh fruits skewer with chocolate fundae. Fresh fruits with chocolate coated. You can choose from honey dew, watermelon, papaya or itu je kot. Tak banyak choice. No strawberry though. Kalau ada strawberry barulah boleh jadi macam Datuk K and Siti...hehehehe....tapi choc dia tak sedap. So only had one bite.
Syidah, Kak Mia and Munah sedang sibuk makan. Muka masing-masing macam enjoy the food tapi berlakon jek tu. Munah makan pun tak abis. Syida as usual tak makan nasi. Cayalah Syida. Semangat kental.
Azniza sedang cuba menghabiskan dessert yang berupa sago, brownies, marble cheese cake and opera cake while Syida looked on. But the marble cheese cake tu taste buah durian!! Seriously pelik. Cheese durian. Hem best ke???
So that was our luch on Wednesday. we each manage to finish our meal by two o'clock. Ye ye Munah dapat kembali ke office dengan segera. Sapa kata governement officer tak punctual...duhhh.
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