Monday, December 17, 2007


Last weekend I went to Cintasari Tradispa to claim the free facial voucher worth RM45. Oklah the service. Sedap sangat. They are using Citra Ayu. Muka pun rasa selesa and sejuk. Gebu pipi after the treatment. Hubby said so..hehehe...Lepas dah buat facial tengok dalam brochure apa lagi yang boleh dibuat. Then I decided to buat hair treatment since my hair is so dry and dull. The treatment was good and excellant. Cost me around RM 90. All in all only cost RM98 plus face sponge that I bought. Tamaulah campur-campur dengan sponge orang lain. Every month they all ada buat promotion. This month promotion is Vanila Mocha which consists of sauna aromatherapy, body massage, vanilla mocha scrub, seaweed treatment, flowers and coconut milk bath and ginger tea drink. Usually it will cost u like RM300 per session but on promotion only RM190. Very very tempting. Nak tengok bajetlah like this. Seronok once in a while pemper our body ni. Yelah letih kerja kan. Dapat rehat and pamper your body can really revive and rejuvenite your body and soul. Speaking of mocha, last Friday had lunch with Syida.Hajat di hati nak cari choc mud pie but bila samai Damaz tengok starbucks rasa nak minum plak. Seriously I am not a coffee lover. I am more into tea. But entahlah that day rasa macam nak become adventureous plak. So I ordered entahlah nama apa but something caramel fatuccino. Memang sedap. Sampai sekarang teringat-ingat. U know when I go to like coffee bean ke starbucks ke gloria jeans ke I never ordered coffee but always ordered crushed lemonade, ice tea or chocolate drink, anything but coffee. So bila rasa tu hemmm sedap. Syida pun sampai meleleh-leleh air liur..hehehe..teipuceee...Makan...bila dah minum sebanyak tu makan pun sikitlah. I only had sardine roll while syida had cheese and onion bread. Kenyang air.

Cant wait for the lunch with Syahrin next week. Kali ni kalau pegi Delicious nak order steak pulak. This Thursday will go back to hubby's hometown in KT for raya haji. Korban sana. Then holiday in Cherating and next week KK, Sabah...can't wait for the holidays....

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