Monday, March 17, 2008

Jalan2 Hujung Minggu

Last weekend since it was my first weekend here, we decided to go ronda-ronda kawasan sekitar. No more ronda in Teluk Intan coz...hellloooo...once you've seen it you've seen it hubby ajak gi area Lumut. Actually I wanted to sleep over in Lumut but parents cakap takyahla..abihkan duit..anyway it was not far pun from Teluk Intan. Less than an hour. To go to Lumut kami melalui Manjung. I always wanted to see Manjung coz I heard it is a nice place. Memang pun. New township. Better 100% from Teluk Intan. Nampak pun more tersusun and peaceful. I mean u won't be bored staying there coz there are a lot of things u can do. For example you can always board on the ferry to Pangkor anytime...and boleh gak lepak2 kat tepi pantai Lumut.

Sampai kat Lumut, we all singgahlah kat souvenier's shop yang kat tepi-tepi jalan tuh. Eventhough tak pi Pangkor we still bought some souveniers untuk diri sendiri tau. Pic sebelah tuh gambar kedai-kedai kat Marina di Lumut tuh. I bought myself a bag and fan for daughter and beach ball. But the heat was so overwhelming. Tu yang singgah sana sat je pas tu went to KFC for lunch. Emm seafood was only served at night. Kedai2 ikan bakar I mean.

Nampak tuh Pulau Pangkor. Dekat je dengan darat. I think the cost naik ferry to Pulau Pangkor would only be around RM10 kot.

View form KFC restaurant. nampak tak windmill? Daughter kept on pestering me and hubby to take her to the windmill...cheh...takde maknernyerr..we let her cried..bak kata iklan dalam tv...'biarkan anak anda menangis..jangan anda yang menangis'...ya I will cry if I take her hot!!! balik we followed another route which was quite far. But tempat baru nak tengok. We went back by took us almost 1 hour an a half.

Next day mission pi Kampar plak. First time lalu on the way to Ipoh last time tengok Kampar ni pekan yang kecik dan sangat tak best. Nampak so old. I was so thankful that I was not sent there. Tapi masa tuh bila lalu one place ni nampak gambar hotel besar. Cam peliklah...tempat kecik ada hotel besar. Sedangkan teluk Intan pun tarak. Anyway when I asked, my friends told me kat Kampar ada new township. So last Sunday went to Kampar nak tengok township tuh. Ni kat bawah gambar-gambar dia....cantik and u know I like Kampar sebab tengok pemandangan bukit bukau yang sungguh menenangkan. Seriously u will be at peace..

Pemandangan bukit di kawasan bandar baru yang sungguh menenangkan

Architecture in new township

Hotel di kampar..(cool or not) considering it is a small town

Must be wondering kan ngaperla jalan-jalan macam takde arah tujuan. Actually saya dan hubby memang kami punya hobby adalah cruising. We really enjoy ourself especially bila pegi tempat yang tak penah pegi. I mean u just cruise...and u can enjoy the scenery that u past. And banyak jugak tempat yang u never heard of pun kita boleh pegi. Lagipun bila lagi nak cruise kat sini kan. Nanti bila orang tanya dah penah sampai kampar? Dah...dah penah sampai Manjung..dah..dah sampai ke Mambang di atas Awan?..hahahah..seriously ada pa tempat tu kat Perak...dah...So u see the more u know places the more people cannot klentong u. And... it is fun to see new places although it is not New York ke..London ke...but get to know your country first before knowing others...debummmm.


syida said...

stkt cruising mmg la best...cuba ko kene transfer Manjung ke, kampar ke......aku kerat jari ko sure nangis punye..takkan la nak pi lumut everytime boring...hahhaha... shah alam gak bestttt

nuruliz said...

Itu sudah cerita lama..aku akan berhijrah ke Putrajaya..ada The Coast tuh..choc mud pie ku..wish u are here...