Friday, March 21, 2008

Kala Bulan Mengambang!

Kala bulan mengambang....hatiku jadi tak keruan. Memikirkan nasib diriku yang entah baik entahkan tidak...ewahh..takdelah. Yesterday masa pi Putrajaya buat fitting baju and on the way to pick up hubby's friend tengok-tengoklah di angkasa lepas. Wah cantik betul bulan yang mengambang. Bulat je. Kalau kecik2 dulu bila tengok bulan mengambang kan cam teringat werewolf. Tapi at this first thought beautiful the moon is! Bulat! So peaceful. Sekarang ni ada satu masalah dalam kotak fikiran. But the problem tu belum datang lagi. Biasalah suka pikir jauh. U see I cant' write it here. Certain people might get offended. But just nak release skit. Most of my frens bila I told them about this cakap 'janganla...coz it will create future...sometimes people would seem nice..bila dah bercakap especially when we have different ways and some people would not understand our will create totally chaos..." and happily ever after would just become a dream. Well memang berbelit-belit coz it is complicated. The other person tak faham my predicament. Keep on if we have a choice. To me semua dalam dunia ni nak tak nak jek..ada pilihan. Either u want it or not je. I truly hope the might be offended party would understand that not everyone in this world are the same. We have different views and way of life. And I know u have experience things just the way u want..but listen...I am different and u should understand I may look ok but actually I am not inside and out. I am just putting on an actress face if 'it' ever happen. To 'the' person please understand me coz u have to choose. U cant have both....priority would be the right more said..only action need to be done.

Fuh...lega skit. Entahlah kadang2 benda nilah yang menyesakkan fikiran. Anyway at last after drooling and craving over it...finally I got my Frappucino Mocha Caramel....and u know...i am finally content...

P/S: Lupa plak...ramai kawan-kawan cakap nak comment tapi tak leh sebab kena registered user je. Anyway I have disabled that and anyone of you are welcome to leave your peace of thought. In other words..sapa-sapa pun dah boleh comment kat sini. Please do so coz I love to hear your views.


syida said...

hmm...konflik jiwa apsal plak ni....ade gosip dan cerita baru i left out here? helllooooooo update me pliz....

nuruliz said...

Huarhuar..ko cam te kenei aku pasai misery akulah..nanti kita jumpa aku story. Anyway bukan gosip hangat. kalau hangat aku callnyer cepat2.